A Quick Guide to Gauging Customer Health During the Pandemic
A Quick Guide to Gauging Customer Health During the Pandemic
May 20, 2020 8:34:52 AM

The world we live in today is not the one of three months ago. Every industry is impacted in some way, and those of us i...

COVID-19 Causing Sales to Oversell? It’s the Success Leader’s Problem to Fix
COVID-19 Causing Sales to Oversell? It’s the Success Leader’s Problem to Fix
May 12, 2020 9:35:12 AM

Surprise! If the Sales team isn’t closing good deals, it’s your fault not theirs. If you search for “close better deals”...

We'll be working remote for another 6+ months. Time for a 1:1 tune-up.
We'll be working remote for another 6+ months. Time for a 1:1 tune-up.
Apr 20, 2020 8:01:39 AM

Oftentimes, one-on-one meetings are hurried, disorganized check-ins or quick performance reviews that get overlooked or ...

CSMs: Considering a horizontal move to progress your career? Read this first.
CSMs: Considering a horizontal move to progress your career? Read this first.
Apr 13, 2020 8:25:23 AM

In recent years I’ve had a number of former colleagues and mentees ask whether Customer Success is a good career—and if ...

Day 1: Product idea. Day 2: Core values
Day 1: Product idea. Day 2: Core values
Mar 23, 2020 9:16:00 AM

Tech news publications have been pouring out horror stories about imploding company cultures—places where companies left...

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