Meetings Are Thieves. Here’s How We Prevent Our Time From Being Stolen
Meetings Are Thieves. Here’s How We Prevent Our Time From Being Stolen
Mar 23, 2021 5:00:00 AM

We’ve all experienced bad meeting cultures where meetings become political tools, waste everyone’s time with information...

Is Your Low-Touch Model Really Just Customer Support *Plus*?
Is Your Low-Touch Model Really Just Customer Support *Plus*?
Feb 22, 2021 7:12:57 AM

When there are too many customers per CSM, the smallest customers suffer from a lack of attention. The solution for many...

Customer Success Leaders: It's Time to Level Up Your Finance Game
Customer Success Leaders: It's Time to Level Up Your Finance Game
Jan 18, 2021 12:41:10 PM

Last week we held a live Q&A with four Finance leaders on how senior-level Customer Success executives should approa...

How to Fix Sales & Success Friction (Hint: It’s Not Having CS Report to Sales)
How to Fix Sales & Success Friction (Hint: It’s Not Having CS Report to Sales)
Nov 18, 2020 10:13:14 AM

This article is part of our Perspectives in Customer Success series where top Success leaders share how they’re building...

Use This 5-Question Rubric to Help Your Success Team Level Up
Use This 5-Question Rubric to Help Your Success Team Level Up
Oct 5, 2020 9:09:17 AM

This article is part of our Perspectives in Customer Success series where top Success leaders share how they’re building...

Why Customer Marketing Must Live Within Customer Success
Why Customer Marketing Must Live Within Customer Success
Sep 29, 2020 1:00:00 AM

This article is part of our Perspectives in Customer Success series where top Success leaders share how they’re building...

Face It, Your Champion Strategy Is Weak. Use This Scorecard to Get it Right
Face It, Your Champion Strategy Is Weak. Use This Scorecard to Get it Right
Sep 1, 2020 12:00:11 PM

Remember the “good old days” when software came on a disk, and waiting for dial-up was exciting? Ah, simpler times. Back...

Everyone Says They Value Customer Success. These 9 Questions Verify if It’s True
Everyone Says They Value Customer Success. These 9 Questions Verify if It’s True
Jun 22, 2020 8:47:46 AM

Working in Customer Success means being part of the most connected function within a company. Armed with deep insights i...

A Quick Guide to Gauging Customer Health During the Pandemic
A Quick Guide to Gauging Customer Health During the Pandemic
May 20, 2020 8:34:52 AM

The world we live in today is not the one of three months ago. Every industry is impacted in some way, and those of us i...

The CCO’s Guide to Scaling Customer Success
The CCO’s Guide to Scaling Customer Success
May 18, 2020 8:42:24 AM

“Early on in my career, I wanted to focus on helping customers achieve value from products—and I’ve been learning as I g...

COVID-19 Causing Sales to Oversell? It’s the Success Leader’s Problem to Fix
COVID-19 Causing Sales to Oversell? It’s the Success Leader’s Problem to Fix
May 12, 2020 9:35:12 AM

Surprise! If the Sales team isn’t closing good deals, it’s your fault not theirs. If you search for “close better deals”...

Who Should Own Renewals and Upsells: Sales or Customer Success?
Who Should Own Renewals and Upsells: Sales or Customer Success?
May 11, 2020 1:24:48 PM

COVID-19 or not COVID-19, I bet you have heard that question many times, as it is one of the most common topics posed in...

Advice for Quickly Advancing in Customer Success, From One of the Valley's Rising Stars
Advice for Quickly Advancing in Customer Success, From One of the Valley's Rising Stars
May 5, 2020 8:29:43 AM

Every Customer Success organization needs to hire for potential and skill. There simply isn’t enough history behind the ...

The Customer Success workflow: Too much noise, not enough insight
The Customer Success workflow: Too much noise, not enough insight
Apr 28, 2020 8:43:17 AM

Every CSM has a different workflow. Their tasks, information, and communication all live in different places; they have ...

We'll be working remote for another 6+ months. Time for a 1:1 tune-up.
We'll be working remote for another 6+ months. Time for a 1:1 tune-up.
Apr 20, 2020 8:01:39 AM

Oftentimes, one-on-one meetings are hurried, disorganized check-ins or quick performance reviews that get overlooked or ...

CSMs: Considering a horizontal move to progress your career? Read this first.
CSMs: Considering a horizontal move to progress your career? Read this first.
Apr 13, 2020 8:25:23 AM

In recent years I’ve had a number of former colleagues and mentees ask whether Customer Success is a good career—and if ...

[Podcast] Common mistakes in early-stage fundraising
[Podcast] Common mistakes in early-stage fundraising
Mar 27, 2020 4:08:00 PM

The first mistake founders often make when fundraising is starting too late: they begin talking to investors when they n...

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